5 Rejuvenating Ideas for the New Year

Category: Adult Therapy, Play Therapy

5 Rejuvenating Ideas for the New Year
Janet L. Plankenhorn, LMFT

The New Year is a great time to start something new! Here are five inspiring and easy ideas that you can do to rejuvenate your life.

Self Care – Taking care of your self is very important. When we are fulfilled, rested and calm we are able to give more of ourselves to others. Schedule “me time” by actually blocking out time for YOU in your daily planner! Take a bath, read a book, go on a nature walk, sip a nice cup of tea while listening to your favorite music. Any activity that brings you joy will help you feel content while also revitalizing your energy.

Be Creative – This can help you de-stress and boost your brainpower. Make a vision board for the New Year using pens, markers and cutouts from magazines. Coloring is a relaxing activity; there are many adult coloring books available – find one that speaks to you. Take some fun photographs, frame them and gift it to someone special. Gather some fresh flowers and arrange them in a vase to brighten up a room.

Unclutter Your Life – Do you feel stress or anxiety when you get home because there is just too much stuff out of place? This could mean that you need to start purging; getting rid of things that do not bring us joy can lead us to a more peaceful existence. Place a box by your door and start filling it with things that you can donate, when it’s full bring it to your nearest donation drop-off station.

Do Something New- Is there something you have always wanted to do? Acquiring a new talent or hobby can help your brain to perform better. Take a dance class, learn how to crochet, sew, paint or play a new sport. Finding something that you love to do will bring more happiness in to your life.

Connect With Family & Friends – Make a phone call to someone that you have been thinking of lately and let them know how much they mean to you. Plan a day trip with a group of friends. Plan a family picnic or a trip to the beach. Start a book club!

May 2018 fill you with hope, inspiration and contentment. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year.