Five Ways to Remain Connected During the Pandemic

Category: Play Therapy

While it may seem strange, maintaining physical distance as the COVID-19 pandemic continues is the best way to show your love to those who live outside of your home. While it is advised to physically stay away from others, it is still important to maintain social connections to support your mental health and the mental health of others.  So, how are you remaining connected to your friends and family? 

In case you need some help, here are 5 ways to keep your relationships healthy during the coronavirus pandemic:

  1. Start a new daily routine that involves checking in with your loved ones.  Maybe it’s a brief but daily video call with your elderly parents or a morning text to your sister as you sip your coffee.  Whatever it is you decide to do, make sure it’s sustainable and works well with your schedule. 
  2. Use technology.  Technology has its downside, but it’s a great tool for when you want to stay connected to others.  There are all kinds of apps out there that allow you to connect and interact with others and it’s about finding the one that works best for you.  Look for apps that allow for video chatting because there is nothing like seeing the face of a friend or family member.
  3. Love the ones you’re with.  I get it, you and your kids might be feeling stir crazy and are ready to see some new faces, but try your best to really enjoy the time you have with those you live with.  When you feel stressed out, practice some deep breathing, gratitude and forgiveness.  Tell your kids and your partner that you love them and how much they mean to you. 
  4. Get outside in order to reconnect to the life around you.  Go for a walk and get fresh air.  It’ll help to see other people outside doing the same thing. 
  5. Safely check in on neighbors who may live alone, especially elderly people.  Have some regular check-ins with neighbors and see if they need anything before going to the store.  This is a great way to feel connected to your larger community and to ensure others are safe and okay.

It can take some extra effort to remain connected during the coronavirus pandemic and hopefully it will be worth it!  If you are finding yourself becoming isolated during this time, you’re not alone.  While it is normal to have moments of feeling lonely, if you feel isolated and sad more often than not, it’s a good idea to reach out and ask for help.  We can help you here at Treehouse Counseling Services so don’t hesitate to reach out.  We continue to offer both in-person and telehealth sessions depending upon your comfort level.  Our phone number is 925-820-8447. 

Christine Holmberg, LMFT